
说起口语环节,估计大家最头疼的还是part3,一是因为part3的题虽然是part2话题的延伸,但是它更抽象,对词汇以及回答的逻辑性要求更高;二是因为考官往往不按套路出牌,part1, part2还可以提前按照题库上的题准备起来,part3考官很有可能会跳脱题库,根据你的回答即兴问一些更深层次的问题, 让你猝不及防。博主在一开始接触雅思口语的时候也是从一路摸爬滚打来的,经验告诉我part3的表现是从7分到7.5甚至是8分的分水岭。所以今天给大家介绍一些小编考试的心得,希望可以助大家一臂之力。

1. Ask if you don’t understand

Part3的问题本来就很抽象很tricky, 即便是native speaker 也不能听到问题之后立马回答上来,

So don’t rush, take time to answer clearly.

在让考官再次陈述问题的时候,也是有技巧的,太多考生下意识就会问 Sorry, can you repeat the question?


考官问: What are the advantages and disadvantages of frequent advertising, and the way it influences people?

在不确定考官问题的时候,你可以反问are you asking about the positive and negative effects on society of advertising?

2.Use high-level linking words

p3的答案很看重逻辑性,除了内容本质上要有逻辑层次,你在词汇运用要体现逻辑性,所以linking words要用上,不要只是because, therefore, 而是尽量体现逻辑多样化,比如moreover, nevertheless, having said that, in terms of….有小伙伴反驳说,在日常生活里解释就是用because, so就够了啊,确实日常对话随意很多,但是雅思考试毕竟是场interview, 不是日常对话!考官就是依照你表达的逻辑性来给你打分的。

3. Give your opinions about the question straight away


4. Justify your points by giving details and examples

回答p3时要加入details 去论证你的观点!不少小伙伴在p3只会排列观点,但是没有深入去论证。这样很容易丢分。

来看一个具体的p3 问题

What are the advantages of living abroad?


First of all, living abroad helps people to become more independent, and also people can improve their language skills, meet new people, and learn new things every day.


Well, living abroad has a great many benefits. For instance, one can immerse oneself in another language and learn it quite efficiently. A great example of this is myself, as I could speak almost no English when I arrived here one year ago, and, now, I can communicate almost anything that I need to or want. Moreover, gaining the perspective that living in a foreign country provides is priceless in terms of one’s knowledge about the world and oneself.


  • First sentence: give your direct opinion related to the question. (直接开门见山给立场)
  • Then support your opinion with specific examples and details ( who, where, when, why, how) (每个观点都进行适当的拓展)
  • Last sentence: conclusion (最后总结)


5. Use advanced vocabulary

这点确实不是临时抱佛脚可以做到的,所以如果你要拿口语高分7.5分及以上,平时一定要积累话题词汇,包括各式各样的话题(employment, education, entertainment, society, culture, business, etc)第一步可以做到的就是把写作大作文的素材都灵活运用起来!!这样你在part3才可以有内容可讲,才可以毫不费力地延伸话题。


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