

拿这次9-12月的题库为例,part1的新题包括了movie, walking, friends, concentration 等等, 即便是从来没接触过雅思口语的考生,上来听到问题后你也会觉得so esay 啦!马上就有内容可以说。所以大家不需要太刻意地准备长篇大论的素材,最贴近生活化的答案就是最好的。

同样地,跟很多考生的认知不同(很多考生误以为即便是part1最简单的问题,我也要拐弯抹角地说出花儿来)考官在part1期待你讲大概3-4句话的回答即可,因为都是很简单的问题!(因此很多时候考官听到你讲了三句话所有就迫不及待打断你问下一个问题了。这时候被打断不要紧, 要注意表述更加简洁直白一点就行)


1. Add Detailed Information

用上which / when / where / who引导的定语从句 ——“嗯?你刚不是还说part1不要太复杂嘛,怎么用上定语从句了??”

首先,part1的问题是真的很简单,但是不意味着你不需要拓展一些细节。很多时候你会发现一个yes 或者no就可以回答part1的问题了,如果这个时候你不对答案进行适当地补充,那么考官如何判断你的口语能力??

比如这次9-12月有个话题 movies, 里面有个part1问题

Do you want to be a movie star?


Yes, why not? If I ever become a movie star, I can live a glamorous life. 



Yes, why not? If I ever become a movie star, I can live a glamorous life where I can enjoy living in a big house, driving a fancy car and everybody will respect me.


再来一个例子,9-12月有个话题 voices, 有个part1问题

Do you like listening to recordings of your voice?


No way. My voice always sounds different on the recordings.

但是这种说法不够impressive, 你可以改进一下 


No way. My voice always sounds different on the recordings, which makes me upset and unwilling to listen to them. 


其次,定语从句真的不是什么复杂的结构,native speaker日常聊天的过程中使用从句的频率非常高,这就是英文当中用于拓展句子的结构,只不过英文的定语是接在一个句子的最后,而中文的定语是在一个句子的中间,这个顺序是相反的,所以大家觉得不适应而已。所以大家在平时练习过程中要注意让你的英文从句脱口而出

2. Use Linking Words to boost Coherence

作为口语老师,博主听过很多考生的part1回答,很多时候都是几个简单句子独立地拼凑一起,中间毫无任何链接词。这给人听起来的感觉就是不够连贯 (coherent)

大家可不要小看了连接词 (linking words) 的作用,他们在口语评分当中属于fluency & coherence 的一块内容。linking words 不需要多复杂,但是它们可以帮助考官follow your ideas and stories.

最好用的连接词就是用来表示举例子的such as, for example, including, in particular. 

比如9-12月有个话题 movies, 里面有个part1问题

What kinds of movies do you think young people like?


I would say romantic movies are the most popular among the young audience, particularly the sweet and sentimental (多愁善感的) ones, as they give young people a sense of what to expect in life regarding romantic relationships. 

加入了particularly 以及as之后,回答的内容就focus在了这个具体的例子上面,整个答案听起来就非常连贯。同样地,还有一些很方便的连接词,比如表示递进关系的。

What’s more / besides / in addition/ on top of that

比如这次9-12月有个话题 friends, 里面有个part1问题

Are friends important to you?


Of course, they are. They are always present by my side and they accept and love me for who I am. On top of that,  we always have fun together. I often joke saying that if we found ourselves on a desert island, we wouldn’t get bored. 

这里的On top of that, 也可以用besides, what’s more, in addition, 来替代,都可以起到补充另外一层意思的作用。

表示转折关系的常用连接词有 though / however / despite,比如这次9-12月有个话题 visiting relatives, 里面有个part1问题

What do you do when you visit your relatives?


Well, we usually have tea or coffee with something sweet and share our recent news. Though, from time to time, when I have more time to spend with them, we can also watch a movie together or play some board games. 这样加入一个连接词, though, 就很自然地切换到 “如果有时间的情形”,听起来非常连贯呢

3. Use Less Common Collocations



比如这次9-12月有个话题 jeans 里面有个part1问题

Do you like wearing jeans?

对于很爱穿牛仔裤的同学呢,上来可以说Oh yeah, I do. They are a staple in my wardrobe

wardrobe staple 可以理解为“衣柜里面必备的搭配”(must-haves in your wardrobe )


Oh no, I try to avoid wearing them at all costs

at all costs意为“无论如何,不惜任何代价”

再比如这次9-12月有个话题 concentration, 里面有个part1问题

When is it hard for you to concentrate?


I always feel difficult when I am washed out, or when I am overwhelmed with tasks to complete. 

这里的washed out 就用于形容一个人看上去非常疲惫,筋疲力尽的be overwhelmed with 形容被…压倒。


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