大家可能都知道,雅思口语每四个月换题一次, 每年的1月、5月、9月都是换题季,换题的比例基本上是新老题各占一半,而这些新题也不完全是新题,有不少是以往的老题翻新,比如今年的9-12月出现的新题handwriting, concentration, sports, weekends 就在上两个季度的考试中出现过,是一模一样的问题。为帮助大家更高效备考,博主整理了以下在雅思口语考试历史中反复出现的话题,并配有高分答案示例。
很多同学在准备part1的时候想的太复杂了,像是准备part2 和part3一样有很多的铺垫和背景介绍,往往听起来让人觉得不自然。
Remember, an overwhelming majority of PART1 questions are very simple and straightforward. All you have to do is to stick to the point and answer the question directly!
来看看几个经常出现的part1 话题
Question: Do you like to go on one long holiday or several short ones?
Sample Answer: Honestly, I prefer to go on long holidays. And I believe everyone should have one long holiday a year, I mean a full week or two weeks to have enough time to fully disconnect from work or studies, and to refresh your mind and body.
- to disconnect from
- to refresh your mind and body
- to unwind yourself
除了relax 这个词,还有很多灵活的搭配表示“放松” 哦!
Question: When you go on holiday, do you prefer to visit cities or go to the beach?
Sample Answer: It’s really hard to say. I like both, but if I was forced to choose, I guess I would say that I prefer to feel connected to nature, and to either go to the seaside, or to simply have an escape to the countryside.
- a city-break (a short trip often for two to four days)
- a beach holiday
- an escape to the countryside
温馨提示,如果想让你的口语听起来更自然更生活化,可以多用It’s hard to say. I guess. I would say… 这样的表达。
Question: Tell me about the best holiday trip that you’ve had?
6.5分答案示例 It must be my summer holiday this year. We went to Hawaii, visited three islands, flew in the helicopter, ate amazing food, and it was just absolutely incredible.
这样的回答也是蛮不错的了,那么如果想要再提升一个层次,与其只是简单罗列做过的事情,你可以抓住某个点多补充细节,因为口语评分标准里最重要的一项fluency & coherence,就是看你是否能develop your ideas and expand your answer without noticeable efforts!
7.5分答案示例 It must be my summer holiday this year. We went to Hawaii, visited three islands, flew in the helicopter, ate amazing food – from fresh seafood to tropical fruits, every meal was a mouthwatering experience I’ll never forget.
Question: Do you often go to a hairdresser or barber?
答案示例一:I try to go there as rarely as I can. Usually I asked for a short haircut and then I wait for half a year before booking another visit.
去理发的搭配就是go to a hairdresser / go to a barber
理发店的说法,有hair salon/hairdresser 也有barbershop ,但注意两者是不同的!!
Barbershop: only for men
Hair salon/hairdresser: men and women, but mostly women
- as rarely as I can
- book another visit
答案示例二:I’m trying to grow my hair at the moment, so I don’t wanna cut it, but I usually book a blowdry before important events.
- grow my hair
- A blowdry is when a hairdresser dries your hair and makes it look nice.
答案示例三:I like to keep my hair neat, so I have a cut every month.
词汇总结:have a haircut = have a cut
Q: How long have you had the same haircut for?
答案示例 A couple of years I guess. In the past I used to wear my hair long and I would style it up or down, but then one day I decided that a bob (波波头) would look more stylish.
- to wear your hair long/short = to have long/short hair
- to wear your hair up / down (把头发绑起来或披下来)
- stylish 时髦的
Question: Do you want to change your hair color in the future?
答案示例一: I wouldn’t do anything drastic, but I guess I would dye it a shade lighter (头发提亮一度) in summer and then back to the dark brown in winter.
答案示例二: I believe that people are born with a hair color that suits them best, so I would never dye my hair.
- to dye your hair blonde/black
- suits them best
话题三: Pens/Pencils
Question: Do you prefer writing with a pen or pencil?
答案示例一: Neither, people complain that my handwriting is almost illegible, so I prefer to type.
答案示例二: I find it easier and quicker to use a pen, and that’s what I use whenever I need to write something by hand, but in most cases, I type.
illegible 字迹潦草的,难读懂的
Question: How often do you buy pens or pencils?
答案示例: to be honest, I don’t remember when I bought stationery last, but at home I have a full box of pens and pencils from different conferences and events.
Question: What will you do when someone gives you a pen as a gift?
答案示例: If it’s a nice pen, I would definitely keep it, and I would carry it with my notebook and my handbag, for in case I need to write something down.
Question: Do you like your voice?
答案示例: The first time I heard it on a recording I didn’t, because it sounded so different to how I heard myself, but gradually, I got used to it.
Question: Does anyone in your family have the same voice as you?
答案示例: People say that my voice is very much like my mom’s, and also we talk in a similar way, so whenever I visit her, I pick up the phone and everyone thinks it’s her.
词汇总结:to pick up the phone = to answer the phone
Question: Has your voice changed over time?
答案示例一: I don’t think my voice has become any different. Instead, it’s my manner of speaking that has changed over time. In the past, I used to speak in a more high-pitched voice but I try not to do it anymore.
答案示例二 (适合男生)My voice broke when I was 14, and in a matter of months, it became much deeper and lower.
- a high-pitched voice 高声调
- a low-pitched voice 低声调
- it’s … that 是强调句的用法