剑桥19写作Task2高分范文之working week


题目:The working week should be shorter and workers should have a longer weekend.

Do you agree or disagree?




  1. 背景介绍:许多人主张缩短工作周,以便有更长的周末。
  2. 提出我的观点:尽管可能会有经济上的不利影响,但这一做法是合理且可取的。(决定了接下来的写作是双边论)

主体段落1 – 不利的影响

  1. 生产力影响:
    • 缩短工作天数会减少个人完成的工作量。
    • 大多数行业的销售和利润会下降。
  2. 经济影响:
    • 企业需要调整利润预期和投资策略。
    • 发达国家可能能应对,但发展中国家会面临竞争压力。

主体段落2 – 有利的方面

  1. 生活质量提高:
    • 现有的周末时间不足以进行旅行、长期项目或与家人共度时间。
    • 额外的一天可以提供更多的灵活性。
  2. 举例说明:
    • 大多数周中忙于工作的员工,周末只能休息放松。
    • 多一天的假期,可以让他们更积极地参与家庭活动或培养兴趣爱好。


  1. 重申观点:尽管可能会影响生产力,但缩短工作周会为个人带来显著的好处,应该得到政策制定者的考虑。
  2. 展望未来:随着自动化的增加,延长周末变得更加现实。


Many people today argue for a shorter work week to allow for longer weekends. In my view, despite potential economic drawbacks, this approach is both sensible and advisable.


Opponents of reducing workdays emphasize the negative effects on productivity. Fewer workdays would naturally decrease the amount of work an individual can complete, leading to lower sales and profits in most industries. This could have severe repercussions on the economy, as businesses would need to revise profit forecasts and investment strategies. While such a change might be manageable in developed countries, developing nations could find it challenging to remain competitive globally.


However, the benefits of a longer weekend, especially in terms of quality of life, are more compelling. Current weekends often do not provide enough free time for people to take trips, work on long-term projects, or spend ample time with family. An extra day off would offer greater flexibility in these areas. For example, an employee who spends most of the week at the office might currently use the weekend solely for rest and relaxation. With an additional day off, this individual could be more inclined to engage in family activities or pursue hobbies such as art or sports, which require more time and energy.


In conclusion, despite potential productivity concerns, a shorter working week would offer significant benefits for individuals and should be considered by policymakers. With the rise of automation, longer weekends are becoming a more feasible option.


working week 话题词汇整理

  1. Argue for (主张)
    • Example: Many people today argue for a shorter work week to improve work-life balance.
    • Translation: 许多人今天主张缩短工作周以改善工作与生活的平衡。
  2. Sensible approach (合理的方法)
    • Example: This approach is both sensible and advisable.
    • Translation: 这一做法是合理且可取的。
  3. Economic drawbacks (经济上的不利影响)
    • Example: Despite potential economic drawbacks, this approach is advisable.
    • Translation: 尽管可能会有经济上的不利影响,这一做法是可取的。
  4. Opponents emphasize (反对者强调)
    • Example: Opponents of reducing workdays emphasize the negative effects on productivity.
    • Translation: 反对减少工作日的人强调对生产力的负面影响。
  5. Negative repercussions (负面影响)
    • Example: This could have severe repercussions on the economy.
    • Translation: 这可能对经济产生严重影响。
  6. Revise forecasts (调整预测)
    • Example: Businesses would need to revise profit forecasts.
    • Translation: 企业需要调整利润预期。
  7. Feasible option (可行的选择)
    • Example: Such a change might be feasible in developed countries.
    • Translation: 这种变化在发达国家可能是可行的。
  8. Remain competitive (保持竞争力)
    • Example: Developing nations could find it challenging to remain competitive globally.
    • Translation: 发展中国家可能会在全球竞争中遇到保持竞争力的困难。
  9. Compelling benefits (引人注目的好处)
    • Example: The benefits of a longer weekend are more compelling.
    • Translation: 更长周末的好处更引人注目。
  10. Greater flexibility (更大的灵活性)
    • Example: An extra day off would offer greater flexibility.
    • Translation: 额外的一天休息时间可以提供更多的灵活性。
  11. Engage in (参与)
    • Example: People often do not have enough time to engage in long-term projects.
    • Translation: 人们往往没有足够的时间参与长期项目。
  12. Ample time (充足的时间)
    • Example: Current weekends do not provide ample time with family.
    • Translation: 现有的周末时间不足以与家人共度充足的时间。
  13. Actively participate (积极参与)
    • Example: With an extra day off, individuals could actively participate in family activities.
    • Translation: 有了额外的一天,人们可以积极地参与家庭活动。
  14. Pursue interests (追求兴趣)
    • Example: Individuals might pursue interests such as art or sports.
    • Translation: 人们可能会追求艺术或运动等兴趣。
  15. Realistic possibility (现实的可能性)
    • Example: Longer weekends are becoming a more realistic possibility.
    • Translation: 更长的周末正变得更加现实。
  16. Quality of life (生活质量)
    • Example: The advantages of a longer weekend, especially regarding quality of life, are more significant.
    • Translation: 更长周末的好处,特别是生活质量方面的,更为显著。
  17. Adversely affect (不利影响)
    • Example: Shorter workweeks could adversely affect business operations.
    • Translation: 缩短工作周可能会对业务运营产生不利影响。
  18. Work-life balance (工作与生活的平衡)
    • Example: A shorter work week could significantly improve work-life balance.
    • Translation: 缩短工作周可以显著改善工作与生活的平衡。
  19. Long-term projects (长期项目)
    • Example: Weekends often do not provide enough time for long-term projects.
    • Translation: 周末通常不足以进行长期项目。
  20. Energy and commitment (精力和投入)
    • Example: Pursuing hobbies like sports requires significant energy and commitment.
    • Translation: 追求像运动这样的爱好需要大量的精力和投入。


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