剑桥19写作Task2高分范文之Global food accessibility
题目:In many countries nowadays, consumers can go to a supermarket and buy food produced all over the world.
Do you think this is a positive or negative development?
这道题目是属于讨论事物的Advantages / Disadvantages (也可以是positive / negative)的 题目类型。也就是事物本身的两面性都要讨论到。开头要明确表达自己的观点。建议考生在开始动笔写之前要花10分钟列一下草稿。建议大家写四段式。
- 描述现代超市允许消费者购买全球食品的普及情况。
- 提出我的观点:虽然有人认为这是积极的,但我认为它给当地供应商造成了很大的威胁
- 积极面:全球食品多样性提供了更广泛的选择。
- 举例:消费者可以尝试来自不同国家的水果、蔬菜和香料,丰富了饮食体验。
- 消极面:对本地农民和生产者的负面影响。
- 举例:消费者偏爱进口食品可能导致本地农产品需求减少,影响农民的经济状况和生计。
- 总结两方面观点:消费者选择和本地经济影响。
- 建议政策:支持本地农业发展,平衡进口食品供应。
In recent times, supermarkets have increasingly stocked food imported from various global sources, presenting consumers with an array of options. While some view this as beneficial, I contend that it poses challenges primarily for local producers.
Advocates of globally sourced supermarket foods highlight the expanded choices available to consumers. In the past, reliance on locally grown produce limited dietary diversity, whereas today’s supermarkets offer a vast selection of fruits, vegetables, spices, and culinary products from around the world. This diversity allows consumers to explore new flavors and culinary traditions, enhancing their dining experiences. For instance, supermarkets now feature exotic fruits like Vietnamese dragon fruit, Indian mangoes, and Mexican avocados, enriching the culinary landscape and broadening consumer palates.
Conversely, the widespread availability of globally sourced food undermines local farmers. When consumers favor imported goods over locally cultivated produce, it diminishes demand for local agricultural products. Consequently, local farmers face economic hardships and struggle to sustain their livelihoods. For example, in the UK, the popularity of imported strawberries during winter adversely affected local strawberry growers, reducing sales and jeopardizing their income. This trend not only impacts farmers financially but also disrupts local economies in subtle yet significant ways.
In conclusion, while the accessibility of globally produced food in supermarkets provides consumers with diverse culinary options, it imposes substantial challenges on local agricultural sectors. To mitigate these impacts, policymakers should prioritize supporting local farming initiatives over promoting the imported food industry.
Global food accessibility 话题词汇整理
Stocked food (供应食品)
- Supermarkets in urban areas are well-stocked with food imported from various countries.
Imported from various global sources (从全球各地进口)
- The supermarket proudly displays a wide variety of products imported from various global sources.
An array of options (各种选择)
- Consumers are greeted with an impressive array of options when shopping for fruits and vegetables.
Pose challenges (带来挑战)
- The influx of imported goods poses significant challenges for local producers who struggle to compete.
Advocates of (支持者)
- Advocates of international trade argue that consumers benefit from a diverse range of imported products.
Highlight the expanded choices (强调扩展的选择)
- The article highlights the expanded choices available to consumers due to global food accessibility.
Culinary products (烹饪产品)
- The gourmet section offers a variety of culinary products such as exotic spices and rare herbs.
Diversity allows consumers (多样性使消费者能够)
- The supermarket’s diversity allows consumers to explore different cuisines and culinary traditions.
Explore new flavors (探索新口味)
- Food enthusiasts love to explore new flavors and ingredients imported from distant regions.
Enhancing their dining experiences (丰富他们的饮食体验)
- Experiencing diverse ingredients enhances their dining experiences and broadens their culinary horizons.
Feature exotic fruits (提供异国水果)
- The market features a section dedicated to exotic fruits such as durian and lychee from Southeast Asia.
Enriching the culinary landscape (丰富烹饪风景)
- The restaurant’s menu is known for enriching the local culinary landscape with international flavors.
Broadening consumer palates (拓宽消费者口味)
- The introduction of international foods broadens consumer palates and encourages culinary experimentation.
Widespread availability (广泛可得性)
- The widespread availability of imported foods has transformed local grocery shopping habits.
Undermines local farmers (削弱本地农民)
- The preference for imported products undermines local farmers who struggle to sell their seasonal crops.
Favor imported goods (偏爱进口商品)
- Consumers often favor imported goods due to their perceived higher quality and exotic appeal.
Diminishes demand (减少需求)
- The availability of cheaper imported fruits diminishes the demand for locally grown alternatives.
Economic hardships (经济困境)
- Farmers faced economic hardships as imported produce flooded the market and drove down prices.
Sustain their livelihoods (维持生计)
- Diversifying their crops helps farmers sustain their livelihoods during challenging economic times.
Adversely affected (不利影响)
- The local economy was adversely affected by the decline in sales of locally produced goods.
Jeopardizing their income (危及他们的收入)
- The influx of cheaper imports jeopardized their income and threatened their ability to sustain operations.
Disrupts local economies (扰乱本地经济)
- The sudden influx of imported goods disrupts local economies, affecting small businesses and farmers alike.
Subtle yet significant ways (微妙而重要的方式)
- Global food accessibility affects local economies in subtle yet significant ways that are not immediately apparent.
Accessibility of globally produced food (全球生产食品的可获取性)
- The accessibility of globally produced food has transformed consumer behaviors and preferences.
Mitigate these impacts (减轻这些影响)
- Government policies are needed to mitigate these impacts and support local agricultural resilience.
Prioritize supporting local farming initiatives (优先支持本地农业倡议)
- Governments should prioritize supporting local farming initiatives to preserve cultural and environmental heritage.

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