

Discuss both views and give your own opinioin 类型题目

论文题目: Essay question: Some people claim many things that children are taught at school are a waste of time. other people argue that everything taught at school is useful at some time. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

教育类是雅思写作里面常考的热门话题,这次的题目出现在了雅思哥写作11月重点预测的榜首。今天我们一起来解析一下这类Discuss both views ➕ give your own opinion 的题目怎么写才可以冲破7分。 首先来看看几大常见误区:


虽然题目明确要求give your own opinion。但是,你的意见几乎总是会与其中一个观点一致。因此,如果你将自己的观点单独放在一个段落中,你的作文就会显得累赘。更好的做法是直接认同其中一个观点,然后将支持该观点的论点和你的意见结合在一起进行表达。


评分标准明确指出,要在task achievement 这一单项达到7.0或更高的分数,你必须在整篇文章中始终表达你的观点。所以你应该在开头就亮明自己的观点,然后在你同意的一方观点里,加入你的意见,比如:On the other hand, I agree with those who believe + paraphrase of view you agree with


在雅思写作中获得高分的关键是始终有一个明确的观点。选择“balanced approach”基本上总会导致文章的立场不清晰,因为学生试图同时“同意”两种观点。然而,99%的情况下,这是不可能的,因为这些观点彼此矛盾,因此根本无法同时赞同双方,也就是逻辑没有说服力。这就是为什么考生万年6.5,总是冲不上7的一大理由! 最后,完整的文章结构解析和范文请看图片笔记。

ielts task2 - is school education useful - important notes
ielts task2 – is school education useful – important notes
ielts task2 - is school education useful - intro
ielts task2 – is school education useful – intro
ielts task2 - is school education useful - intro
ielts task2 – is school education useful – intro
ielts task2 - is school education useful - body paragraph 1
ielts task2 – is school education useful – body paragraph 1
ielts task2 - is school education useful - body paragraph 1
ielts task2 – is school education useful – body paragraph 2
ielts task2 - is school education useful - body paragraph 2
ielts task2 – is school education useful – body paragraph 2
ielts task2 - is school education useful - conclusion
ielts task2 – is school education useful – conclusion


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