如何通过“让步”making concessions技巧在雅思口语Part3取得更高分数

在雅思口语考试中,有一项“流利度和连贯性”评分标准, 对于7分考生,这个要求是

“Able to keep going and readily produce long turns without noticeable effort. “ 也就是考生能够持续说话,并且能够轻松自如地进行较长时间的发言。

尤其在雅思口语PART3考试中,因为问题往往比较难,很多学生觉得难以对内容进行深入拓展,也就做不到评分标准里面提到的“topic development” 。

Chelsea老师雅思口语part3备考小提示 Tips 🚀

我们可以通过“让步”来承认我们的观点有局限性或者可能存在另一种观点。使用‘however’(然而),‘on the other hand’(另一方面)和‘despite this’(尽管如此)等词汇来进行让步。





  • However(然而)
  • On the other hand(另一方面)
  • Despite this(尽管如此)
  • Although(虽然)
  • Even though(即使)





🌟 示例1:

Q: Do you think the government should invest more in public transportation?

A: I believe that the government should definitely invest more in public transportation because it can reduce traffic congestion and pollution. However, I understand that this might be challenging in rural areas where people rely heavily on private vehicles and there might not be enough demand to justify the investment.



Q: How important is it for children to learn about history?

A: It’s very important for children to learn about history because it helps them understand the present and avoid repeating past mistakes. On the other hand, I recognize that focusing too much on history might limit the time available for other crucial subjects like science and technology, which are equally important in today’s world.



Q: Do you think people today are more health-conscious than in the past?

A: Yes, I do think people are more health-conscious today due to better access to information about healthy living. Despite this, it’s important to acknowledge that many people still struggle to adopt healthy habits due to busy lifestyles and the convenience of fast food.


Q: Do you think technology has changed the way we communicate?

A: Yes, I believe technology has significantly changed the way we communicate. Firstly, with the advent of smartphones and the Internet, communication has become much faster and more convenient. We can now send messages, make video calls, and share media instantly with people all over the world. However, it’s important to note that while technology has made communication easier, it has also led to a decline in face-to-face interactions, which can affect our social skills and personal relationships. Overall, the impact of technology on communication is profound, with both positive and negative aspects.




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