2024年5-8月雅思口语最新题库出现了一道PART2 “描述喜欢做的日常事务”。
喜欢的日常事务其实很好讲,大家可以想,自己每天都做的事情有什么呢?是晨跑🏃,泡澡🛀, 做饭🍳…?
- 早上的第一杯咖啡能让我迅速清醒,开启一天的好心情。
- 咖啡的香气弥漫在家里,非常舒适。
- 可以根据心情调制不同口味的咖啡,享受制作和品尝的过程。
- 有时和家人或朋友一起喝咖啡,聊聊天,非常温馨。
look forward to 期待
It’s something I look forward to as soon as I wake up.
strong expresso 浓缩咖啡
creamy cappuccino 奶油味的卡布奇诺
smooth latte 丝滑的拿铁
freshly brewed coffee 新煮好的咖啡
The smell of freshly brewed coffee fills the kitchen and wakes me up instantly.
caffeine kick 咖啡因的提神效果
It’s not just about the caffeine kick, though – it’s a moment of calm and peace before the craziness of the day starts.
sit by the window 坐在窗边
rush off to work 匆忙赶去上班
the sun comes up in the sky 太阳太天空中升起
sets a good mood 带来好心情
This routine sets a good mood for the rest of my day.

🌎地道口语,生活化素材,对中式英语say goodbye!
🎧配送Chelsea录制的音频用于跟读,百度网盘或者Google Drive可下载,可有效练习发音和听力